206 Posts
467 Following
Anne and Carrie Zarraonandia played tennis in SoCal Juniors, NorCal Juniors, Collegiate (College of Marin & UC Davis), NorCal Open, and USTA Senior Tennis. We have many National Titles between us, as players. We’ve been ranked Number One in the country in Women’s Senior Tennis Doubles, in two different senior age categories. We are both Elite USPTA Tennis Professionals (over 35 years of membership & service) and have taught the game of tennis to students of all levels and ages. We’ve played doubles together throughout our tennis careers and became known as “The Z Sisters”. Pick
8 Posts
32 Following
I’m passionate about pickleball. I love playing competitively and recreationally as well as teaching this sport. I’m a level 2 IPTPA certified instructor and am playing senior pro tournaments.
21 Posts
15 Following
Sleeves is the host of Sleeve's Pickleball Report channel on YouTube. You can find him on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. His content includes instruction, product reviews and interviews with some of the biggest names in the game. https://m.youtube.com/@sleevespickleballreport

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