Wicked Pickle
1 yr. ago
His Pickleball Coach and close friend Matt Manasse told Entertainment Tonight about his obesesion with this sport: “I think it was an outlet for him. It was something that he became obsessed with, and that was his new healthy addiction, and he loved it.”"He thought it was something that could help in his recovery and he was doing an awesome job," Manasse also told to People."He would bring other people to the court sometimes that were going through similar things and try to use pickleball to help them as well," Manasse relayed to Entertainment Tonight. #Pickleball #News
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Florida Pickleball Clothing Co.
2 yr. ago
It’s become so common they had to rewrite the definition. 😉 Anything missing from it? #obsessed #apparel #flpickleballclothingco
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