Tyler Irvin
Here's a great tip I wish I knew sooner: take your time when hitting the ball. You don't need to rush your shots! #Tips
Pickleballers on Instagram: "Don't rush your shots! Take your time, you have more or it than you think! #pickleballtips #pickleball"

25 likes, 0 comments - pickleballersio on June 16, 2023: "Don't rush your shots! Take your time, you have more or it than you think! #pickleballtips #pickl..."

2 yr. ago
Grayson Kim
2 yr. ago
In response Tyler Irvin to his Publication
Haste definitely makes waste
Isla Morrison
2 yr. ago
In response Tyler Irvin to his Publication
Always rushing to hit our shots without thinking always does seem to backfire

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