Cody H
2 yr. ago
I’ve gotten my hands on the Vatic Pro Alchemy and the Vatic Pro Prism Flash. Which would you like a review of first? I’ve hit around with both and greatly enjoy them each for different reasons. Let me know!
Tyler Irvin
Haven't had too much experience with Vatic in general! So I would definitely watch either of those videos. Is the hype real? Is it a pretty good paddle?
2 yr. ago
In response Cody H to his Publication
Cody H
2 yr. ago
In response Tyler Irvin to his Publication
I’ve used the Vatic Prism Flash and it’s definitely a control paddle but can put the ball away with ease if you need to. I use it in doubles and it’s wonderful at blocks and resetting. The Alchemy is almost as soft as the Prism, but it’s a little more head heavy so not quite as easy to maneuver at the net during hand battles but still relatively fast, and more powerful on drives and punch volleys. Currently I’m favorite the Alchemy but I would absolutely recommend the Prism for anyone beginner to intermediate and even advanced.
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