The Pickle Zone
“When we went to replay over the weekend, time and time again the ball looked like Halley’s Comet traveling through outer space. Every commentator was forced to say things like, “Well, it looks too close for me to really call it.”
What they meant to say was, “Our cameras are not good enough and don’t cover enough angles for us to be sure if that ball was in or out.” This is a professional sport where the pros are all going to start making six figures in 2024. The PPA must make video production a priority in the (short) offseason,” said The Dink Pickleball.

#Pickleball #PPA #News
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1 yr. ago
Isla Morrison
1 yr. ago
In response The Pickle Zone to his Publication
One GLARING thing needs to happen before pickleball can be taken seriously as a professional sport: video production MUST get better.
Sue Kim
1 yr. ago
In response The Pickle Zone to his Publication
Absolutely yes

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