Pickleball Nation
Updates to the DUPR algorithm:

🎯 Points Matter: DUPR now evaluates the closeness of the match.

📅 Recency Matters: A match you played today will impact your rating more than a match you played six months ago.

📊 Total Match Count Matters: If you've played in a lot of matches, your rating will fluctuate less compared to a player with a lower match count.

🏓 Every Match Matters: Every match counts towards your rating, even if you are playing against someone who is unrated or new to DUPR.

#Pickleball #Pro #News
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1 yr. ago
Xavier Davis
1 yr. ago
In response Pickleball Nation to his Publication
What many don't realize, is that this is actually a reversion, at least partially, to its previous algorithm.
Lila Nguyen
1 yr. ago
In response Pickleball Nation to his Publication
One of the biggest issues players have had recently with DUPR is that first bullet point

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