Pickleball Nation
Phillies outfield coach Paco Figueroa 🌟 (hence the name created by The Athletic's Matt Gelb) takes elements of foursquare, squash, and pickleball to help his players learn to communicate, move, and field better. πŸπŸŽΎπŸ“

In Pacoball, they use pickleball paddles πŸ“ but switch out a wiffle ball ⚾ for a racquetball. They also play on a 30x30 stretch of grass with no net. To mimic using their gloves 🧀, they must also hold the paddles in their off hands. 🌱🀲

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Caleb Jones
1 yr. ago
In response Pickleball Nation to his Publication
Isla Morrison
1 yr. ago
In response Pickleball Nation to his Publication
If the Philadelphia Phillies win the World Series this year, they'll have pickleball to thank for it.

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