Evolution of dink IntroductionPickleball is a game which is considerd completely different from tennis, and the things that make pickleball stand out is the dink. A shot so simple but yet so important that it makes the game completed. But was the dink like this from starting?EVOLUTION OF DINKDink is the most crutial part of the pickleball as we know but the game has evolved in every possible way and the dink is one of them.Pickleball has an interesting history. Pickleball was introduced by Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum on Bainbridge islands just outside Seattle, The game was first played on a badminton court as we know. Pickleball is refferd as a mixture of many games and its a part of pickleball to bring in elements of the other games. A badminton court consists of a part named Volley (NVZ in pickleball).The volley is typically used as a place to make the shuttle go dead at by not adding any speed to it and just keeping the raquets face up.So dinks were not always deep and slow shots, they were used to make the ball dead and make it fall near the net as much as possible making it difficult for the opponent to return it without making a contact with net.As part of every breathing thing pickleball also started its evolution when it was just a new born.Can you imagine pickleball played all with continental gripping style and no serious dinks!just fun! No strategies, No 3rd drops, No chainsaw serves JUST FUN! Now after observing old matches I believe it was reality!The game was of course introduced as being played on a badminton court to make people attached to it and understand it better. As we know the NVZ is used as an area in badminton to make the shuttle go as near to net as possible and not to be aggressive in the volley. So naturally, the early players made use of the volley as per their knowledge of badminton and thus the dinks were created. Can you imagine a third drop being placed in middle of an intense baseline rally? Neither can I.So this proves my point about pickleball being constantly improvised as per a player's needs and it actually is a good thing. Whenever someone is able to personalize anything they buy it! And mark my words there soon will be a time when mastering no mans land dinks will be considered COOL!
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2 yr. ago