7 months ago
Is India seeing a new wave of 14mm paddles 🤔🤔???
(this is only part 1, the extended part 2 will come out shortly)
(this is only part 1, the extended part 2 will come out shortly)
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14mm Wave in India? |Volair Mach1 Forza 14mm | Paddle Review | #7
WASSSSUPPP MY PEEEPPPPSSSThis is just a short promo kinda review of the Volair Mach1 Forza 14mm paddle. I honestly havent seen such a great paddle company wh...
7 months ago
Is India seeing a new wave of 14mm paddles 🤔🤔???
(this is only part 1, the extended part 2 will come out shortly)
(this is only part 1, the extended part 2 will come out shortly)
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14mm Wave in India? |Volair Mach1 Forza 14mm | Paddle Review | #7
WASSSSUPPP MY PEEEPPPPSSSThis is just a short promo kinda review of the Volair Mach1 Forza 14mm paddle. I honestly havent seen such a great paddle company wh...
7 months ago
Wanna know more how a tournament works or how players are ranked??? We got you covered 😉!!!
Wanna know more how a tournament works or how players are ranked??? We got you covered 😉!!!
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Live Ball | The Ultimate Tournament Director - Gopal Tikmani | Episode 2
Hola AmigozzzzWelcome to our 2nd episode! The ultimate host, Ninad engaged with The ultimate Tournament Director, Gopal and things got pretty intresting........
7 months ago
With Goodland pickleball!!
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/...
With Goodland pickleball!!
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/...
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2 yr. ago
Hey People, India's first pickleball podcast is officially out now…… India is a part of the race people !!!https://www.youtube.com/@P... https://open.spotify.com/s...
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2 yr. ago
Pretend that we’re playing pickleball? Certainly not !Pretend that I’m an awesome pickleball player? Of course not! You’re already an awesome pickleball player! Okay, I give up! What am I supposed to pretend on the courts? I want you to pretend that you’re tied to your partner! First, a Little Geometry & Math Let’s look at the geometry of the court for a moment. The court is 20 feet wide, which you would think provides a nice, neat division of 10 feet for you and 10 feet for your partner. But realistically, you can only cover about 7 feet (even the longest paddles aren’t that long!). Let’s move from geometry to addition and subtraction: 20 – (7 + 7) = 6. That’s 6 feet of the court that goes uncovered! So how do you cover that empty 6 feet? (Almost) Never Leave Your Partner So what do I mean when I say pretend to be tied to your partner? I want you to pretend that you have a rope tied around your waist, also tied to your partner’s waist, that’s about 7 feet when pulled taut. Very literal pretending! Now here’s where the pretending stops! When your partner moves up, you should move up, keeping that pretend rope taut. When your partner shifts to the left, you should shift to the left, keeping that rope taut. Even if your partner is pulled off the court, yes, you should enter your partner’s court keeping that pretend rope taut at 7 feet. You and your partner are effectively creating a WALL on the court, preventing your opponent’s from exploiting the middle space between the two of you. You should be standing at least 7 feet next to your partner at all times, including on the third shot! (Please don’t run up to the line when your partner is taking the third shot! Bad things will most likely happen!) Wait! I did say almost never, didn’t I?Two ExceptionsThe first is the “Well, Duh!” exception, and that’s when you are receiving serve. After returning the serve, you should be joining your partner at the line, who should already be there.The second exception is covering a lob, which one of you should be running back to retrieve. And that's it for this one.To hear more from Prem Carnot:https://pickleballhelp.com...
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2 yr. ago
Rookie Mistakes 3 Well, we did it recently but lets do it again ( thats what she said). Anyways, welcome to the new edition of Rookie mistakes. But this time instead of pointing out donts we will discuss about the things which will come handy to you.Lets assume that you have rushed to the NVZ and and now there are dinkers but you need to stand out and emerge as the best. A simple yet effective trick is to minimize your prepackswing. Especially on volley, in search of perfection we lose common sense, in an attempt to get the ball to the desired spot without popping it, we use a longer, lenthier and unnecessary backswing. The main feature of volley is to react quick, with a longer prepswing we cant do that. So to ensure that you prevent the pop from your end and to have a shorter yet effective prep swing, is to drop down the paddle below threball instead of behind the ball. But the major thing to take care of is that your afterswingollowthrough goes in a specific direction rather than just straight. If yall can add a little seasoning of spin or slice to this. And there you have it, a perfect dink. And if you still find a way to mess this up, I cant help you then.Now secondly, In an attempt to look more professional and also to improve your reach. Start reading the ball before it crosses the net and start making moves the moment it crosses the net rather than waiting for the ball to bounce. Doing so, you will develop a better reach and with proper footwork, the fattest of asses will also return the unimaginable shots.So that's it for this one.… #Tips #International
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2 yr. ago
Rookie Mistakes - 2 So in the rookie mistake segment we discuss about 2 major mistakes which go unnoticed by us and makes even a 5.0 unworthy.Lets talk about moving forward in this one. One of the most curtail things and is easy to adapt but is a pain in the ass if one wants to make it their prime move.every amateur doubles player is always hesitant while moving forward, the one thing which the newbies do not seek are the offensive exchanges. So the next option is to get your 3rd drop in and start moving forward slowly. I personally am not a fan of standing in no mans land in middle of a rally so I instead of moving up step by step, it is better to rush onto the volley at once instead of getting stuck in the barren no mans land. The opponent gets an opportunity to push the ball back near the baseline to keep you from excelling the NVZ if you camp on the no mans land. Again, these are just my techniques I am sharing with you, so it is totally up to yall to take it as a salt of grain or try these out on the court once.if you are not to follow my techniques then yall better watch your step! No really, I mean while moving towards the volley it is very helpful to move with a leg forward all the times. What I am saying is, if you just stand in a 0 position(ready position) on the no mans land or even on the volley, your ass is on the line of getting burnt because without the strongest third drop in the universe, you just cant move up while being in 0 position.for those of you who dont know the 0 position, its when your paddle is just above the west with your legs diagonal to each other and you basically can return any possible ball hitted. The problem with 0 position is that this principle is adapted from tennis and in tennis the player has much time to recover themselves from their last follow-through to get ready for the next shot, but in pickleball its all about the quick hands meaning its stupid to take a whole 5 stepped swing to hit the ball, to be true there is no need of swings in pickleball. But if you have a swing, well read about it in the next rookie mistakes.So we can come to a conclusion that staying in the no mans land while moving up is a dumb idea and even if you are doing it then yall better watch your steps...!
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2 yr. ago
Rookie Mistakes ! Introduction.(If you call yourself a 4.0 you need to read this!)there are some of the ameature players who are tend to make mistakes which make them look like rookies or worse not native to the game!The PhaseThere is a transition which every player goes through while advancing to the next level. The phases consists of beginner, intermediate and advance.Once a player is making a transition from beginner to intermediate, when the player is going through it they are expected to loose and get irritated with themselves because of unstable play. But once the player has reached intermediate level they are not expected to loose from a beginner or even a player of their own level as the have cleared the basics of the respectful category and have a strong base.Bottom line of the phase is that is okay to loose sometimes as the loss is just an opportunity to improve and upgrade!The tennis smashSmashing is the full stop of a pickleball point as it is most of the times considered unreachable, unthinkable and unable to return! But a lousy smash takes no efforts to be returned.Most of the Tennis players take inspiration for their smashes through their premetive tennis serves which actually dont workout much. So first we need to understand our smashes.Smashing with opponent on volleyOpponents are tend to give out pops ones they are on the volley creating most of the smashes on the NVZ. When one gets an opportunity to smash ,the smasher need to recognize the position of the opponent. If the opponent is on volley it only makes sense to smash down with power accelerating towards the ground and the paddle facing the ground.Reasons-Well smashing down with opponent on volley makes sense because the rival wont have place adjust himself and the ball will go comparatively faster to a deep smash.Smashing with opponent on the baseline When the opponent is standing aback ,it only makes sense to smash the ball aback, let me explain. As your opponents standing behind or at the No Man's Land, The player will definetly will be seeking the opportunity to take the lead and move forward to volley. So to smash further back, one only needs to shift his weight forward towards the net and let the arm extend and not let his wrist bend rather it needs to bend keeping the face of the paddle towards the player. Imagine doing this and then try it on the court yourself.So that will be it and make sure you read rest of the content.CIAO
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2 yr. ago
Bye Fiber Glass "Just because something works, doesn't mean it can't be improved." A famous quote from Black Panther. Most of us have seen the rise of pickleball in India and all around the globe too. We have seen a drastic change in balls, court surfaces and rules too! But the thing I always have found most fascinating is the revolution in paddle industry.As we all know, the folks on Bainbridge islands started with wooden paddles. Thanks to Arlen Paranto we switched to composite paddles real quick. (Fun fact, Arlen Paranto was the first one to introduce us non wooden paddles. His earlier paddles were edgeless, the same as we see now!) After composite paddles came the era of fiber glass paddles. Now I cant rank any of these according to their importance but this is my personal favourite. The earlier fiber glass paddles like Selkirk S1Cs and the Prime series are one of the most significant ones. The fiber glass paddles were the direct competitors to the carbon paddles, the carbons though at the time were a bit heavier and could not deliver that great of a sweet spot. So the fiber glass paddles had a good run atleast for a while but weren't the best ones yet. And now we have the carbon fibers everywhere for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the carbon offers more grip to the ball and allows the ball to stay on the paddle for a while, the carbon also offers really deep spins and slices which are love of doubles players these days. Not so important, but the carbon fiber paddles are really light weight and have better weight distribution. If a manufacturer is looking for a new paddle these days, they will not even think of a fiber glass paddles because of its costs, less durablity, weight, overall perfomance and popularity amongst the players. So I believe we can say that its about time we say good bye to any new fiber glass paddles and grow up up and start using wooden paddles again :)
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2 yr. ago
Evolution of dink IntroductionPickleball is a game which is considerd completely different from tennis, and the things that make pickleball stand out is the dink. A shot so simple but yet so important that it makes the game completed. But was the dink like this from starting?EVOLUTION OF DINKDink is the most crutial part of the pickleball as we know but the game has evolved in every possible way and the dink is one of them.Pickleball has an interesting history. Pickleball was introduced by Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum on Bainbridge islands just outside Seattle, The game was first played on a badminton court as we know. Pickleball is refferd as a mixture of many games and its a part of pickleball to bring in elements of the other games. A badminton court consists of a part named Volley (NVZ in pickleball).The volley is typically used as a place to make the shuttle go dead at by not adding any speed to it and just keeping the raquets face up.So dinks were not always deep and slow shots, they were used to make the ball dead and make it fall near the net as much as possible making it difficult for the opponent to return it without making a contact with net.As part of every breathing thing pickleball also started its evolution when it was just a new born.Can you imagine pickleball played all with continental gripping style and no serious dinks!just fun! No strategies, No 3rd drops, No chainsaw serves JUST FUN! Now after observing old matches I believe it was reality!The game was of course introduced as being played on a badminton court to make people attached to it and understand it better. As we know the NVZ is used as an area in badminton to make the shuttle go as near to net as possible and not to be aggressive in the volley. So naturally, the early players made use of the volley as per their knowledge of badminton and thus the dinks were created. Can you imagine a third drop being placed in middle of an intense baseline rally? Neither can I.So this proves my point about pickleball being constantly improvised as per a player's needs and it actually is a good thing. Whenever someone is able to personalize anything they buy it! And mark my words there soon will be a time when mastering no mans land dinks will be considered COOL!
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2 yr. ago
Converting Backhands IntroductionWhat are the strokes of the game ? Forehand, volley, dinks ,drives, smashes, lobs, passing shots. But am I missing something? Yup its the backhand. Backhand shots are considered the most easy points. Until one reaches 4.0 the main strategy is to keep the ball on opponents backhand and move forward to volley. That's called the textbook game. Just so simple yet effective for 4.0 and below categories.Converting a backhandThe most scoring part of pickleball is backhand. No one naturally knows how to hit a backhand unlike forehand. And before we jump into the main content I just want to make clear that these tips are only to be experimented on baseline or when you are deep outside court, do not try these on volley.STEPBACKSStepbacks are one of the most interesting shots. In this shot the player tries to comfort himself with balls level, height and position by having his Playing side foot to be steepened aback adjacent to his non playing foot. I know this can be confusing so let me break it down for you.When in between a point you maybe facing a problem that the ball is above your waist level when in no mans land, in this situation have your right leg(for right handed) taken parallel to left foot facing the toes to sideline. Now you have made enough space to roll or drive the ball. For the aftermath you can have you left foot to be stepped aback and get ready a step back or move ahead with flow of the ball.While converting a backhand into a forehand you must know how to do a stepback. All you have to do to convert the backhand is, have our right foot cross a bit more to left rather than having it right behind the left foot and follow the same procedure to get ready for rest of the battle.PreswingPreswing is just a part of stepbacks. As the name suggests all you gotta do is have your paddle behind your shoulder line and that's it. Finding the right time for preswing is just a natural thing which cant be expressed through words. You rather have to feel it.So now dont wait go on the court and try it out!
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