Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
Rookie Mistakes ! Introduction.(If you call yourself a 4.0 you need to read this!)there are some of the ameature players who are tend to make mistakes which make them look like rookies or worse not native to the game!The PhaseThere is a transition which every player goes through while advancing to the next level. The phases consists of beginner, intermediate and advance.Once a player is making a transition from beginner to intermediate, when the player is going through it they are expected to loose and get irritated with themselves because of unstable play. But once the player has reached intermediate level they are not expected to loose from a beginner or even a player of their own level as the have cleared the basics of the respectful category and have a strong base.Bottom line of the phase is that is okay to loose sometimes as the loss is just an opportunity to improve and upgrade!The tennis smashSmashing is the full stop of a pickleball point as it is most of the times considered unreachable, unthinkable and unable to return! But a lousy smash takes no efforts to be returned.Most of the Tennis players take inspiration for their smashes through their premetive tennis serves which actually dont workout much. So first we need to understand our smashes.Smashing with opponent on volleyOpponents are tend to give out pops ones they are on the volley creating most of the smashes on the NVZ. When one gets an opportunity to smash ,the smasher need to recognize the position of the opponent. If the opponent is on volley it only makes sense to smash down with power accelerating towards the ground and the paddle facing the ground.Reasons-Well smashing down with opponent on volley makes sense because the rival wont have place adjust himself and the ball will go comparatively faster to a deep smash.Smashing with opponent on the baseline When the opponent is standing aback ,it only makes sense to smash the ball aback, let me explain. As your opponents standing behind or at the No Man's Land, The player will definetly will be seeking the opportunity to take the lead and move forward to volley. So to smash further back, one only needs to shift his weight forward towards the net and let the arm extend and not let his wrist bend rather it needs to bend keeping the face of the paddle towards the player. Imagine doing this and then try it on the court yourself.So that will be it and make sure you read rest of the content.CIAO
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2 yr. ago

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