Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
6 months ago
Wanna know more how a tournament works or how players are ranked??? We got you covered πŸ˜‰!!!
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Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
6 months ago

With Goodland pickleball!!

Instagram -
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Talking MLP
1 yr. ago
Orlando's title was one of the greatest feats in the history of Pickleball.πŸš€ Predictions said they would not qualify for the playoffs. Not only did they qualify, but they also came in first in Group A, knocking out one of the tournament favorites, Texas Ranchers.πŸ”₯ As first overall, they went straight to the semifinals, where they defeated the other big surprise of the tournament, AZ Drive.πŸ† In the final, they were underdogs. DC, their opponent, had a 65% advantage according to DUPR. And when they were about to be two games down, they cleaned up 21-12.πŸ™ŒπŸ» The team came back and took the final to a Dreambreaker, where they won their first MLP title.#Pickleball #MLP #News
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Paddle Guide
1 yr. ago
According to The Dink Pickleball, the PCKL Power Series paddle is designed for ping pong players β¬‡οΈβš‘οΈ It has a thinner-lighter feel.βœ… Those who really get into ping pong know that spin is a crucial element of the game, so they're likely used to utilizing it in more of their shots, even if they switch to pickleball.#Pickleball #Paddle #Review
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1 yr. ago
PODCAST is LIVE! Dustin Davis is on the podcast this week to pickleball injuries, prevention, recovery tips and more! With over $400M in Pickleball Related Injuries, this podcast is a MUST listen to! #Podcasts
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$400M in Pickleball Injuries?! NASAM-certified trainer and PB Coach to Help! Dustin Davis. Ep 13

Dustin Davis has done everything when it comes to Pickleball which includes getting certifications for Pickleball and Health & Fitness to help Pickleballers ...
1 yr. ago
Next Week's Episode will have Shea Underwood: the original Pickleball Content Creator. Underwood's content is top-tier, and he is constantly having giveaways! If you have a question for Shea, submit them in the comment section! #Podcasts
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Pro Passion
1 yr. ago
The former world No. 3 said of his situation in the Pro Leagues Battle: "There is more opportunity in pickleball then there ever has been. I am incredibly grateful for everything pickleball has given me. Nothing changes for me. Catch me on court running and diving after a pickleball soon”#News
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Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
2 yr. ago
Hey People, India's first pickleball podcast is officially out now…… India is a part of the race people !!!
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PB Pros
2 yr. ago
Not saying this is going to help you play like Anna Leigh Waters…but it might! #Pro
Isla Morrison
2 yr. ago
In response Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ) to his Publication
Sip on Tips
2 yr. ago
In response Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ) to his Publication
Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
2 yr. ago
Pretend that we’re playing pickleball? Certainly not !Pretend that I’m an awesome pickleball player? Of course not! You’re already an awesome pickleball player! Okay, I give up! What am I supposed to pretend on the courts? I want you to pretend that you’re tied to your partner! First, a Little Geometry & Math Let’s look at the geometry of the court for a moment. The court is 20 feet wide, which you would think provides a nice, neat division of 10 feet for you and 10 feet for your partner. But realistically, you can only cover about 7 feet (even the longest paddles aren’t that long!). Let’s move from geometry to addition and subtraction: 20 – (7 + 7) = 6. That’s 6 feet of the court that goes uncovered! So how do you cover that empty 6 feet? (Almost) Never Leave Your Partner So what do I mean when I say pretend to be tied to your partner? I want you to pretend that you have a rope tied around your waist, also tied to your partner’s waist, that’s about 7 feet when pulled taut. Very literal pretending! Now here’s where the pretending stops! When your partner moves up, you should move up, keeping that pretend rope taut. When your partner shifts to the left, you should shift to the left, keeping that rope taut. Even if your partner is pulled off the court, yes, you should enter your partner’s court keeping that pretend rope taut at 7 feet. You and your partner are effectively creating a WALL on the court, preventing your opponent’s from exploiting the middle space between the two of you. You should be standing at least 7 feet next to your partner at all times, including on the third shot! (Please don’t run up to the line when your partner is taking the third shot! Bad things will most likely happen!) Wait! I did say almost never, didn’t I?Two ExceptionsThe first is the β€œWell, Duh!” exception, and that’s when you are receiving serve. After returning the serve, you should be joining your partner at the line, who should already be there.The second exception is covering a lob, which one of you should be running back to retrieve. And that's it for this one.To hear more from Prem Carnot:
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That’s Meme
2 yr. ago
If anyone was immune to this, I thought it would have been Tyson:( #Meme
Tyler Irvin
2 yr. ago
Here's a great tip during BIG moments. Do any other #Tips come to mind for executing during crucial stages? Drop a comment here and let me know!
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Pickleballers on Instagram: "9-10-2 is NOT the time to rush your serve. Regroup and take your time! #pickleballtips #pickleball"

20 likes, 0 comments - pickleballersio on July 25, 2023: "9-10-2 is NOT the time to rush your serve. Regroup and take your time! #pickleballtips #pickleball"

Improve Your Game
2 yr. ago
3 locations you can speed up at! #Tips
Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
2 yr. ago
Rookie Mistakes 3 Well, we did it recently but lets do it again ( thats what she said). Anyways, welcome to the new edition of Rookie mistakes. But this time instead of pointing out donts we will discuss about the things which will come handy to you.Lets assume that you have rushed to the NVZ and and now there are dinkers but you need to stand out and emerge as the best. A simple yet effective trick is to minimize your prepackswing. Especially on volley, in search of perfection we lose common sense, in an attempt to get the ball to the desired spot without popping it, we use a longer, lenthier and unnecessary backswing. The main feature of volley is to react quick, with a longer prepswing we cant do that. So to ensure that you prevent the pop from your end and to have a shorter yet effective prep swing, is to drop down the paddle below threball instead of behind the ball. But the major thing to take care of is that your afterswing ollowthrough goes in a specific direction rather than just straight. If yall can add a little seasoning of spin or slice to this. And there you have it, a perfect dink. And if you still find a way to mess this up, I cant help you then.Now secondly, In an attempt to look more professional and also to improve your reach. Start reading the ball before it crosses the net and start making moves the moment it crosses the net rather than waiting for the ball to bounce. Doing so, you will develop a better reach and with proper footwork, the fattest of asses will also return the unimaginable shots.So that's it for this one.… #Tips #International
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PB Tips
2 yr. ago
An open paddle face will limit your net balls! #Tips
Tyler Irvin
2 yr. ago
Looks like we have ourselves a Pickleball Slam 2: mixed doubles addition. Maria Sharapova/John McEnroe vs Steffi Graf/Andre Agassi. Will you be watching? Who you got winning this thing? #News @ApizzaPB @Dwolfy @BeMor002 chime in!
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Sip on Tips
2 yr. ago
Here is how to do a solo Shake n Bake! Will you be using it to score your next point? #Tips
Talking MLP
2 yr. ago
Anna Leigh Waters and Ben Johns are dominating professional pickleball right now, to the point where some fans are calling it boring to watch #PPA tournaments. We are witnessing greatness! While pickleball is very young, this is extremely impressive! #Pro
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Tyler Irvin
2 yr. ago
I believe focus is absolutely a skill that you can practice in rec! It's a conscious thing that if you think about and hone in on, you will improve! Who disagrees? Do you think it's something that either you have or don't? Let me know in the comments πŸ‘‡ #Tips
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Pickleballers on Instagram

Is focus something you can practice in rec? Discuss this and more on! Head to the site now! #pickleball #pickleballtips

Paddle Reviews
2 yr. ago
The Pickleball Apes Pro Line Energy paddle is here! #Paddles #PaddleReviews
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Pickleball Apes Pro Line Energy Pickleball Paddle Review: His New Favorite Paddle?

On this channel I do pickleball paddle reviews, drills and much more. Subscribe for more pickleball content!My instagram account:

Pickleball Memes
2 yr. ago
At least we have serve! #Meme
2 yr. ago
β€œThe Pickleball Guy” podcast is out now! If you're into pro pickleball or a historian of the game, this podcast is definitely for you. Click this profile and it's the second post down! #Podcasts
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Pickleballers on Instagram: ""The Pickleball Guy" helped the PPA take their stream to the next level and product to national TV! Check out the full pod on Pickl

18 likes, 0 comments - pickleballersio on July 17, 2023: ""The Pickleball Guy" helped the PPA take their stream to the next level and product to national T..."

Tyler Irvin
2 yr. ago
In response Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ) to his Publication
Awesome stuff Ninad!! Don't forget to use hashtags to help your content! I feel like this would be best with #Tips
Olivia Chen
2 yr. ago
In response Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ) to his Publication
Your tips are so useful Ninad! But maybe work on the grammar a bit?
Isla Morrison
2 yr. ago
In response Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ) to his Publication
PB Tips
2 yr. ago
In response Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ) to his Publication
Ninad Kulkarni (PBZ)
2 yr. ago
Rookie Mistakes - 2 So in the rookie mistake segment we discuss about 2 major mistakes which go unnoticed by us and makes even a 5.0 unworthy.Lets talk about moving forward in this one. One of the most curtail things and is easy to adapt but is a pain in the ass if one wants to make it their prime move.every amateur doubles player is always hesitant while moving forward, the one thing which the newbies do not seek are the offensive exchanges. So the next option is to get your 3rd drop in and start moving forward slowly. I personally am not a fan of standing in no mans land in middle of a rally so I instead of moving up step by step, it is better to rush onto the volley at once instead of getting stuck in the barren no mans land. The opponent gets an opportunity to push the ball back near the baseline to keep you from excelling the NVZ if you camp on the no mans land. Again, these are just my techniques I am sharing with you, so it is totally up to yall to take it as a salt of grain or try these out on the court once.if you are not to follow my techniques then yall better watch your step! No really, I mean while moving towards the volley it is very helpful to move with a leg forward all the times. What I am saying is, if you just stand in a 0 position(ready position) on the no mans land or even on the volley, your ass is on the line of getting burnt because without the strongest third drop in the universe, you just cant move up while being in 0 position.for those of you who dont know the 0 position, its when your paddle is just above the west with your legs diagonal to each other and you basically can return any possible ball hitted. The problem with 0 position is that this principle is adapted from tennis and in tennis the player has much time to recover themselves from their last follow-through to get ready for the next shot, but in pickleball its all about the quick hands meaning its stupid to take a whole 5 stepped swing to hit the ball, to be true there is no need of swings in pickleball. But if you have a swing, well read about it in the next rookie mistakes.So we can come to a conclusion that staying in the no mans land while moving up is a dumb idea and even if you are doing it then yall better watch your steps...!
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Sleeve's Pickleball Report
2 yr. ago
Meet Player/GM of the OKC Punishers!#Podcasts #Pickleball #Pro
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Player and General Manager Grateful For New Opportunities! Sleeve's talks with Mark Milner.

Join Mike Sliwa as he interviews Mark Milner. Mark Milner is the GM and an active player for the OKC Punishers of the newly formed National Pickleball League...

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