Rookie Mistakes 3 Well, we did it recently but lets do it again ( thats what she said). Anyways, welcome to the new edition of Rookie mistakes. But this time instead of pointing out donts we will discuss about the things which will come handy to you.Lets assume that you have rushed to the NVZ and and now there are dinkers but you need to stand out and emerge as the best. A simple yet effective trick is to minimize your prepackswing. Especially on volley, in search of perfection we lose common sense, in an attempt to get the ball to the desired spot without popping it, we use a longer, lenthier and unnecessary backswing. The main feature of volley is to react quick, with a longer prepswing we cant do that. So to ensure that you prevent the pop from your end and to have a shorter yet effective prep swing, is to drop down the paddle below threball instead of behind the ball. But the major thing to take care of is that your afterswingollowthrough goes in a specific direction rather than just straight. If yall can add a little seasoning of spin or slice to this. And there you have it, a perfect dink. And if you still find a way to mess this up, I cant help you then.Now secondly, In an attempt to look more professional and also to improve your reach. Start reading the ball before it crosses the net and start making moves the moment it crosses the net rather than waiting for the ball to bounce. Doing so, you will develop a better reach and with proper footwork, the fattest of asses will also return the unimaginable shots.So that's it for this one.… #Tips #International
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2 yr. ago