How to position in pickleball? 🥒🏓 At the kitchen line, your paddle should sit around chest level. 🏡🎾 Having it below the height of the net does not help protect your body against attacks.
Be careful not to extend the paddle too far out in front or hold it too tight to your chest. 🚫🤏 You want to find the middle ground where you can still extend forward on a punch but aren't crammed with the paddle against your chest. 🤔🏓
#Pickleball #Tips
Be careful not to extend the paddle too far out in front or hold it too tight to your chest. 🚫🤏 You want to find the middle ground where you can still extend forward on a punch but aren't crammed with the paddle against your chest. 🤔🏓
#Pickleball #Tips
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